Rally held demanding shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy

Rally held demanding shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy

Rally held demanding shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy

Participants carried banners and chanted slogans, calling for the AIIB to align its investments with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement Green activists have stressed the need for increasing reliance on renewable energy and a complete shift from fossil fuels. They spoke at a program titled “Renewables Bring Growth, Fossils Bring Destruction” organized by environmental organizations #Prantojon#CLEAN—Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network, and Bangladesh Working Group on External Debt (#BWGED) along with local citizens at the central Shaheed Minar in Barisal on 24 September 2024

It was organized ahead of the annual meeting of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) on 25 and 26 September 2024. The 2024 AIIB Annual Meeting is set to take place in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, with the theme “Building Resilient Infrastructure for All”. Participants carried banners and chanted slogans, calling for the #AIIB to align its investments with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. The demonstrators highlighted the inconsistency between this year’s theme and the AIIB’s ongoing financing of fossil fuel projects. Tauhedul Islam Shahzada, executive director of Prantojon, said: “AIIB’s investments in fossil fuels are funding destruction, not development. If they truly want to build resilient infrastructure, they must focus on renewable

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